
Fakeman's ROMs

Custom LineageOS and Android ROMs by fakemanoan

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Bug report

Are you experiencing an issue with the ROM? First, read the FAQ. Chances are your issue is mentioned in there.

If you are still having problems, continue reading.

Reporting a bug

If you are experiencing a bug or issue with my ROM, open a Github issue with AT LEAST:
1) A description of the issue
2) Version of lineage you are running (ie. Android version, date of build)
3) Include a logcat, bugreport, dmesg, or last_kmsg when the issue occurs, whatever is necessary
4) Provide ALL necessary information

Do not report a bug if you are:

I can’t fix problems if you don’t give me sufficient details, so try your best to provide them! I will try to respond as best I can.

In the meantime if you find a workaround or fix the problem yourself, make sure you update the bug report. It can help me or others troubleshoot and fix the problem.