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Downloads for Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge
Before installing, some things to note
- VoLTE and WiFi calling are not available on any Samsung phone with LineageOS
- Check device compatability below, and download the correct version for your device.
- Follow the install guide at the bottom of the page, NOT OTHERS ON THE INTERNET.
Supported devices
Not all devices are the same. Some use different screens, modems, or other parts. This can mean they are incompatible.
Please download the correct version for your device to ensure correct operation. Unsupported phones will not work.
Model | Codename | Supported |
G925F | zeroltexx |
G925I | zeroltexx |
G925FD | zerolteduos |
G925S | zerolteskt |
G925K | zeroltektt |
G925L | zeroltelgt |
G925W8 | zeroltebmc |
G925P | zeroltespr |
G925T | zeroltetmo |
G925A | zerolteatt |
G925V | zeroltevzw |
G925R4 | zerolteusc |
G9250 | zeroltechn |
Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge (International)
DISCLAIMER: my builds come with no warranty.
My ROMs have yet to damage anyones devices, but know by flashing this custom file you void your warranty, and any damage to your phone or data IS NOT my responsibility!
Install guide
- A Windows Computer with Samsung USB drivers
- A USB cable with data capabilities
- Device charged to at least 60%
Step 1 - Install TWRP
- Download the latest TWRP from here. Ensure you use this version or TWRP will hang
- Follow the instructions on that page
Step 2 - Install the ROM
- Download the latest LineageOS zip and any extras, like Gapps or Magisk
- Boot into TWRP Recovery (Power + Volume Up + Home)
- Select Wipe
- Select Advanced Wipe, and select Cache, System, Data. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A BACKUP
- Confirm to delete when prompted
- Transfer your files you downloaded to the S6 via USB
- Go back to TWRP home and select install
- Select the LineageOS Zip File and wait for it to flash
- Install extras if you have any in the same way
- Reboot system (don’t install TWRP app)
- Wait for first boot, can take about 5 mins
Device not showing in Odin
- Make sure your USB cable has working data. Confirm this by transfering a file to your phone in Android.
- Make sure you have the right USB drivers installed from the official Samsung website
- Make sure you have the correct Odin version
- Make sure you run Odin with administrative privelleges
Missing TWRP after flashing LineageOS
You may have selected “update recovery” when setting up your phone
- In LineageOS, navigate to Settings. Then go to System -> Updater
- Select the 3 dots in the top right, and go to Preferences
- Disable “Update Recovery”
- Re-flash TWRP in Odin following the TWRP install instructions on this page
Google Play Store/Google Services has no network access
This is commonly done because you did not follow the guide properly.
- Ensure you flash Gapps BEFORE you boot
- If you accidentally booted then installed Gapps, you can do a factory reset in TWRP to fix this issue.
Have a bug?
Follow the steps at reporting a bug: here
Source code
All source code can be found at https://github.com/samsungexynos7420